Deploy phpMyAdmin compatible with MySQL 5.1

The latest version of phpMyAdmin available for download from the Zend Server Guide Page requires MySQL 5.5.  At the time of this writing, MySQL 5.5 is not yet available on IBM i.  It is in the works, but in the meantime, we need a version of phpMyAdmin that will work with MySQL 5.1.

Here is a deployable file for phpMyAdmin, which will work with MySQL 5.1:


Please download the above zip file to your desktop.  The file will be phpMyAdmin- .

Prerequisites:  Before performing the phpMyAdmin deployment, you must first install Zend DBistart the MySQL server daemon, and set the root password.  These articles can help with that:

Install MySQL using the Zend DBi installer with Zend Server

Start the Zend DBi MySQL Daemon job and verify it is running

Set the Zend DBi MySQL root user password

Please note that the deployment will restart your Apache server, making your web site unavailable for a few minutes.  Please plan this activity for a time when you can have the site down for a short while.  To begin, please open your browser and go to the Zend Server Admin:

http://<your IBM i IP address>:10081

If prompted, log in as admin.  Go to the Administration -> Settings tab:


Set the Default Server to match the IP address for your IBM i that appears in the browser address line.  In this example we are using a numeric ip address, However, this could also be a domain name in the form of ‘’ or whatever appears between ‘http://’ and ‘:10081’.  Please click the ‘Save; button to apply your changes.

In your Zend Server User Interface, navigate to Applications -> Apps:


Click the Deploy Application button.

In the dialog that appears, use the “Browse” button:



Browse to the file and open it:


The file will upload onto the server.  When it is completed, click “Next”:


The Readme will display.  Please read the information provided, and then click the ‘Next’ button.  



On the Application details display, leave the Display Name set to ‘phpMyAdmin.  The Virtual host should default to the Default Server entered earlier.  In our example, this is DO NOT leave the path blank.  Set it to ‘/phpmyadmin’. This will be the last part of the URL used to access phpMyAdmin on your server.  Please click the ‘Next’ button.




Please read the License Agreement and click the check box to indicate your agreement. Click the ‘Next’ button to continue.




The Prerequisites Validation will verify your version of PHP and that you have all the required extensions enabled.  The installation of Zend Server 6 for IBM i sets all of these on by default.  If any have been disabled, you will need to enable them and retry the phpMyAdmin deployment.  If everything is green here, please click the ‘Next’ button to continue.




On the User Parameters display, leave the Hostname set to ‘’.  The port should be left at 3306, unless it was changed.  Leave the user ‘root’, and enter the password set for the root user.  In our example the password is ‘belladonna’.  DO NOT check the Apache Basic Authentication box, and do not change anything else on this display.  Please click the ‘Next’ button to continue.




The Deployment Summary shows the information you have entered and some information about the application.  The Base URL will be the address used in your browser to access phpMyAdmin.  Notice the last part is ‘/phpmyadmin’, the path specified in the Application Details display.  Take a moment to review the information on this display.  When you are ready, please click the ‘Deploy’ button.  This will launch the deployment.  Please remember that during this time your web site will be restarted and will not be available for a few minutes.




The deployment can take a while, depending on your IBM i performance.  Please don’t interrupt it.  You will probably see the ‘staging’ status for some time.




And then the activating status.  I was not quick enough to grab a screen shot of the restart.




And then finally the application is deployed.  Congratulations! You now have phpMyAdmin. Position your cursor on the line where the application is displayed to expand it.




There is a lot of information about your application here.  Take a look around, click on the tabs, kick the tires.  Notice that the Base URL is a link.  Give it a click.




A new tab opens up, and there you have phpMyAdmin.  Success!


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  1. I have upgraded phpmyadmin to

    This seems to run on ok on my IBM i setup.

    I copied away the away and then cleared the phpmyadmin directory which was further down the path under /usr/local/zendsvr6/var/apps/http/ where the was. I then downloaded and unzipped the all language release from and copied it into the phpmyadmin directory I had cleared earlier.

    I then copied the back to the phpmyadmin directory and all seems to be fine.

  2. Where is the phpmyadmin folder located on the IFS after it successfully installs? It said it deployed the app but the link doesn’t work and I don’t see the phpmyadmin folder user /usr/local/zendsvr6 on the IFS. Also, does it add an entry in the httpd.conf file for phpmyadmin when installing it on Zend Server 6? I checked my httpd.conf file and I don’t see any reference to phpmyadmin. Is it different in 6 or am I missing something?

    • The path will look something like this:

      There will be a configuration include file at a location similar to this:

      Make sure these lines are not commented out in /www/zendsvr6/conf/httpd.conf:
      Include /usr/local/zendsvr6/etc/sites.d/globals-*.conf
      Include /usr/local/zendsvr6/etc/sites.d/vhost_*.conf

      People sometimes comment out these lines because the IBM HTTP Admin flags them as errors when those directories are empty.

  3. Hi,
    we are new to this php thing and started trying out zendserver on V7R2.
    We followed your path to install phpmyadmin to handle the installed mysql.
    However we still getiing the message that we should upgrade to mySQL 5.5.0
    What could we have done wrong here?

    • The only thing I can think of is that somehow you managed to install the newer version of phpMyAdmin. If you have installed the correct version of phpMyAdmin, and that is the version you are using, then the message about MySQL 5.5.0 should not appear.

  4. thanks, removed this version of phpMyAdmin and re-installed an older version and it works now.

  5. I have installed/depoloyed phpMyAdmin via ZendServer7 and when I click on the Base URL I receive the error “Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable!”. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

      • I have executed the change authority commands as described in your post. Then stopped and restarted zend server and zend dbi and we are still experience the same “Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable!” error. Any other thoughts?

        • Try finding all occurrences of my.conf on your IBM i and making sure all of them have excluded the *PUBLIC user and have *RWX permissions for user MYSQL. The message is telling you that user *PUBLIC has write permissions to my.conf. The article has you changing the permissions for the symlink, but it may be there is a problem with the hard link as well. To find them go into the PASE shell: call qp2term In the PASE shell use this command:

          find / -name my.cnf

          This should show you all the files, then use the same commands from the article, just fixing the path.

          If that does not help you, then you may need to re-install ZendDBI and phpMyAdmin.

  6. I also have the same issue. I installed phpMyAdmin as you suggested. But, the link to the http://:10080/phpmyadmin/ shows a blank screen?
    What am i doing worng?

    • It looks like you have no IP address in your URL. But that should give you an address not valid message, not a blank screen. It is hard to know what you might be doing wrong. Have you tried looking at your Apache logs?

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