Seven years at Zend


Has it really been seven years?  Time flies.  Looking back, not much in my prior career prepared me for this job.  It’s a bit like living in Oz.  It has been a definite adjustment from RPG and green screens.  My job has been to stumble through all the novelty to help others stumble a little less.  The pace of innovation is amazing here, so there is always something new to learn and explore.  The people I work with here are great, although “with” may not be the most accurate term for such a geographically dispersed group.  Getting any of this gang together for a beer after work usually involves a fair amount of air travel.  And my customers are the best.  AS/400 people have high expectations (thanks to IBM for setting that bar so very high), but they also have been around long enough to know that if everything does not go exactly right the first time around, they don’t have to panic.  So thanks to all my customers, coworkers, and partners from the AS/400 world for making this job so rewarding.  And thanks to all the non-AS/400 computer science wizards at Zend for creating all these amazing products that make it all possible!

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  1. Nice globes! I have something to look forward to next year!!!


  2. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication.
    Not only do we very much appreciate it here at Zend but I know you’ve helped make many customers happy and successful!

  3. Congratulations Rod. Seven years of helping IBM i clients to successful. Thank you.

  4. Congratulations!!! You often meet customers experiencing a rough day at the office, but you excel at saving the day.

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